MSFT 430.59 0.8407% AAPL 222.5 -0.1212% NVDA 119.1 -0.0336% GOOGL 157.46 1.7907% GOOG 158.37 1.8195% AMZN 186.49 -0.2727% META 524.62 -0.1865% AVGO 167.69 1.902% TSLA 230.29 0.2089% TSM 172.5 0.6242% LLY 923.71 -1.2096% V 287.35 0.6938% JPM 204.32 -1.1036% UNH 594.32 1.0027% NVO 137.0 0.2488% WMT 80.6 1.18% LVMUY 134.665 -0.226% XOM 111.15 -0.0719% LVMHF 675.14 0.1691% MA 493.36 0.254%

World news

Man in critical condition after being hit by car in Omagh

A man is in a critical condition after being hit by a car in Omagh, Co Tyrone.

The PSNI said the incident happened shortly before 5am on Saturday.

A spokesperson for the force said: “We received a report at approximately 4.50am that a man had been involved in a collision with a car in the Great Northern Road area of the town.

“The man was taken to hospital for treatment for his injuries, where he remains in a critical condition.”

The road was closed for a number of hours. It has since reopened.

Police are appealing for anyone who was in the vicinity of the Dublin Road or Great Northern Road and may have seen a male pedestrian between 4.40am and 4.50am, or who may have witnessed the collision or have dash-cam footage to contact them on 101.