MSFT 425.025 -0.9035% AAPL 220.43 0.8648% NVDA 115.85 1.4004% GOOGL 172.44 -0.1101% GOOG 174.27 -0.0573% AMZN 182.99 1.1945% META 460.09 -0.2558% AVGO 152.64 0.859% TSLA 224.8499 4.102% TSM 161.61 1.1327% LLY 823.56 -4.2238% V 257.56 1.3338% JPM 209.535 0.453% UNH 562.83 0.5502% NVO 129.31 -1.7401% WMT 70.206 -0.5581% LVMUY 143.15 0.9022% XOM 116.85 1.5999% LVMHF 714.04 0.4982% MA 436.96 1.0429%


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